
Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructure

  • Blast protection
  • Ballistic protection
  • Defence of Objects
  • Security of Transportation
  • Protection Against of Terrorist Attacks
  • Security of the Industry 4.0
  • Protection of Space Technology

Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructure

  • Cyberphysical Security
  • ICT Session of Cyber Security
  • Safety Awareness
  • Protection of Artificial Intelligence
  • Safety of Drones and Robots
  • (Pre-)Quantum Computers
  • Security of Satellites

Political Security of Critical Infrastructure

  • Migration Politics
  • Defence of Terror Threats
  • National and International Security
  • Public Security
  • The Impact of War and Armed Conflict
  • Space Policy

Individual Security of Critical Infrastructure

  • Environmental Protection
  • Safety of Health and Medicines
  • Safety of Food and Chemical
  • Security of Energy
  • Protecting of the Economy and Banking Sector
  • Protection of the Researche and Development
  • Safety and Security Methodology